
Disposable email addresses at your finger tips

Sometimes you just need an email address on the fly.

Create temporary email addresses, webhooks and 2FA codes from an API.

The things you can do...

Test entire user journeys

Don't skip emails, 2FA or webhooks in your automation tests! Ensure your user journeys are watertight by thoroughly testing all email-, webhook- or multi-factor authentication dependent functionalities. From invite systems and password resets to user notifications and magic login links, these features are the unsung heroes of smooth user experiences. By giving them the attention they deserve in your testing process, you'll catch potential hiccups before they reach your users.

Verify your transactional emails

Test your transactional emails for correctness. Verify that all placeholders are properly filled, ensure that your email signature reflects your latest branding, and links are pointing to the right destinations. Validate both HTML and plain text versions, guaranteeing compatibility across various email clients. With our API, you can rest easy knowing your emails are polished and ready to impress!

Check your spam scores

Keep your emails out of the spam folder and in your customers' inboxes where they belong. Make our spam analyser an essential part of your email testing routine, helping safeguard your brand's reputation and ensuring your crucial messages reach their intended recipients. By regularly assessing your emails' spam scores, you'll stay one step ahead of filters and maximize deliverability.

Validate email attachments

Don't let attachment mishaps tarnish your professional image. Whether you're sending automated invoices, personal data archives, or important legal documents, the integrity of your attachments is crucial. Our API lets you validate that every file you send is complete, accurate, and ready for your users' eyes. Send digital paperwork with a peace of mind!

Test emails for timely delivery

Nothing is more frustrating than a pending password reset link or stuck waiting for a verification code. Using Msgdrop you can measure how long it takes from sending an email in your system to the user actually receiving it in their inbox. Put a timer in your automation tests and know exactly how quickly your users are getting the information they need. Identify and address bottlenecks before they reach production!

Keep 2FA enabled in test

Say goodbye to the hassle of disabling multi-factor authentication in your test environments. With Msgdrop, your automation tests can seamlessly handle 2FA without compromising security. Our innovative API allows your tests to programmatically enrol for 2FA and generate 2FA codes on demand, just like a real user would. This means you can maintain robust security across all environments while ensuring your automation tests run smoothly. No more trade-offs between security and testability - Msgdrop lets you have your cake and eat it too.

Test emails inside out

curl \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer {YOUR_API_KEY}' \
  --data ''

Request a new email address at the beginning of your tests.

We create a new unique email address which you can use to create a new user in your test run.

    "id": "aol6k2ze4fe",
    "inbox_url": "...",
    "domain": "",
    "full_address": "",
    "created_date": "...",
    "origin": "api"
curl \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer {YOUR_API_KEY}'

Query the inbox when you expect a new email to arrive.

The inbox endpoint returns a paged overview of all received emails.

    "emails": [
            "id": "43ce333",
            "subject": "Verify your account",
            "from": [ "" ],
            "to": [ "" ],
        { ... },
        { ... }
curl \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer {YOUR_API_KEY}'

Retrieve a single email, including the HTML and plaintext contents.

Everything you need to know about an email in one place.

    "id": "43ce333",
    "date": "...",
    "from": [ ... ],
    "to": [ "" ],
    "cc": [ ... ],
    "bcc": [ ... ],
    "subject": "Verify your account",
    "html_body": "...",
    "text_body": "...",
    "is_spam": false,
    "spam_score": -5.189,
    "size_in_bytes": 150202,
    "links": [ ... ],
    "attachments": [
        { ... },
        { ... }

2FA codes for your tests

curl \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer {YOUR_API_KEY}' \
  --data '{
      "label": "Test Account (",
      "type": "totp",
      "options": {
          "secret": "5ITRVJEM6R6HUNNM"

Enrol for two-factor auth by providing TOTP or HOTP details directly to our API.

curl \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer {YOUR_API_KEY}' \
  --data '{
      "data_uri": "data:image/png;base64,..."

Alternatively submit a QR code image detailing the OTP options.

Each successful OTP enrolment has a unique ID.

    "id": "p1d2xply",
    "created_date": "...",
    "origin": "api",
    "label": "Test Account (",
    "type": "totp",
    "options": {
        "secret": "5ITRVJEM6R6HUNNM",
        "period": 30,
        "digits": 6,
        "algorithm": "sha1"
curl \
  --request POST \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer {YOUR_API_KEY}'

Subsequently generate 2FA codes on demand.

Codes are valid for the duration specified during enrolment.

    "code": "298074"

All-in-one RESTful API

Everything you need to test your emails inside out.

Disposable addresses

Allow your automation tests to generate disposable email addresses on the fly. Each address is unique and will display only the emails sent by your tests.

Email validation

Was your email delivered on time? Does it contain the correct HTML and plaintext content? Is the email too large, or did you forget an important recipient in CC? Our API provides answers to these questions and many more.

Spam detection

Determine if your emails are being flagged as spam. Specific content or links can trigger spam detectors in unexpected ways. Our API will alert you before your reputation takes a hit.

Spam scoring

Corporate email servers often have low tolerance for potential spam. Discover your email's exact spam score to better understand the likelihood of it being flagged as spam.

URL parsing

Ensure your emails have accurate hyperlinks and interact with them easily in your automation tests. Our mail service examines each email for URLs, making them readily accessible via our API.

Attachment retrieval

Verify the presence and correctness of email attachments in a snap. Effortlessly validate the size, name, extension, content type, and contents of your attachments all in one place.


Do you prefer testing emails with a UI-based automation framework like Selenium, Puppeteer, or Playwright? You might find our Webinbox easier to use than our API. Either way, we have you covered.

European privacy

All our services, mail servers, and data are hosted in Europe and comply with strict GDPR regulations. Emails and data are automatically erased after short retention periods (max. 7 days for Enterprise) and only processed for features directly used by customers.

Not just email, verify webhooks and OTP enrolments too!

Webhook testing

Create secure and temporary webhook URLs on demand. All incoming traffic gets captured and subsequently made available through our powerful API. We seamlessly parse HTTP headers, form data, query strings and more, delivering an intuitive interface for testing webhooks at your fingertips.

OTP Enrolments

Don't bypass 2FA (two-factor authentication) in your testing environment. Simply enrol using our OTP (one time password) enrolment service! Either provide the necessary OTP parameters directly or submit a QR code image to our API. Once enrolled, use our service to generate secure codes (TOTP or HOTP) for your automation tests.